Tarmstedter Ausstellung
Tarmstedter Ausstellung
06 – 12 July, 2012.
Tarmstedter Ausstellung is one of the largest events of its kind which will see participation from 650 exhibitors from variety of sectors like agriculture, agricultural engineering, house garden, as well as renewable energies, Being a part of this event will definitely help the participating companies to display wide range of products and goods and they will get a good platform to reach out to uncontacted customers as well as clients. Definitely, this event will help the exhibitors a lot.
Tarmstedter Ausstellung usually attracts a large number of attendees who will talk with the experts and get detailed information about agricultural products, house and garden decoration items as well as agricultural engineering technologies. Indeed, this event will be a good learning experience for the attendees.
VENUE: Tarmstedt Fairgrounds, Bremen, Germany
More information can be found on the official website: http://www.tarmstedter-ausstellung.de/
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