Event name: AGROSALON 2015
Date: 25.03.2015 - 28.03.2015
Venue: Agrokomplex Nitra
Organiser: Agrokomplex - Výstavníctvo Nitra, š.p.
AGROSALON-NITRA will be organized to promote agricultural machinery and technology industry. In the show, exhibitors will get an opportunity to showcase their innovative products and services related to agriculture industry like agri biotech, feedstuffs, freight, agri machinery, storage and cooling, post-harvest, agri supplies and agri infrastructure. Professionals will be on hand to share their valuable knowledge to bring ideas to life or motivate the visitors with upcoming ones.BAGROSALON-NITRA will provide a business opportunity to the agriculture and horticulture related companies to showcase their different types of products and latest innovations to the customers. Everything related to poultry and agriculture will be found out here at the show.
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